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Kefid Limestone aggregate optimization system solid waste treatment project in Hebei,China

Kefid Limestone aggregate optimization system solid waste treatment project in Hebei,China

Material : Limestone

Output size : 0-4.75mm sand,5-31.5mm gravel

Feeding sizes : 0-40mm

Capacity : ≥20000000T/Y

Equipment :3 VUS450 aggregate optimization systems

Process Description

The layout of the entire production line is standardized and reasonable, and the process is scientific and reliable. The VUS450 aggregate optimization system, on the one hand, can remove dust and powder from the limestone after the front-end treatment to obtain high-quality sand.And on the other hand, it can grind and round the early-stage needle-shaped materials to obtain sand and gravel aggregates with good grain and gradation.

Customer Reviews

The whole process embodies the green concept of comprehensive utilization and treatment of solid waste, greatly increasing the added value of the product.
