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How to improve the efficiency of jaw crusher?

Asker: Faravari
Ask date: 9/16/2015 02:25:08PM
Question: How to improve the efficiency of jaw crusher?


Dear Faravari,
The first is the feed. When feeding,we must pay attention to the hardness of the material. Crushing high hardness material is more difficult which cause wear on equipment. So that when crushing, we must choose the right materials. Also humidity of materials, if the material has large content of moisture, when crushing,it is easy to stick on crushing wall in cavity and then blocked at the discharge hole. Therefore, before crushing,we should reduce the moisture of materials to make the crusher work better. The particle size is also important, if you want to get finer material, it will reduce the crushing efficiency of the crusher.
If the material contains too much powder,it will also affect the crushing efficiency. These powder will affect the transmission.We should plus a vibrating screen in front of the feed. The parts of jaw crusher is a key to increase crushing efficiency, the wear resistance of the jaw more greater, the use life is longer, reducing the investment.